Kevin SelfieFirst up: a Happy New Year from the team here at DigitalReviews!

New beginnings and fresh starts are always exciting and after a decade and a half at the helm of this review site it’s time for me to step down.
It’s no early retirement for me at 72 as I’ll keep on writing and contributing to the website I started as PocketPCReviews and which soon outgrew that pre-smartphone segment.

So we renamed it to (DRN for short) and kept growing. My son Arjan has been the webmaster from the very beginning and every few years redesigned the site to keep it up to date.

It was great to develop relationships with manufacturers and tech companies and their representatives to the point where they often would send us the latest and greatest in their new product range. We’ve had many a scoop review and high rankings in Google Search.

Please click on READ MORE below to see what’s ahead (and WHO is the head) of DRN going forward…

If you’ve been reading reviews on this site you will have come across the byline “written by Kevin Cheng”.

Kevin has been contributing to DRN almost since the very beginning. You can say he’s a co-founder. He’s got a great writing style, witty and with his extensive tech background is the one who is perfectly suited to bring our niche publication to new growth levels.

You’ll see more videos, more social media postings, more reviews and a continued heavy focus on all the gear that that’s part and parcel of our digital lifestyle, and we’re unashamedly Aussie focused too.
We love to spread the word on new Australian products. At the same time we’re very grateful for the international audience we have garnered.

Thank you to all who have visited, contributed and supported over the years!
I know that DRN will be in good hands with our new Editor Kevin.

If you want to get to know the man behind his familiar byline, read his short bio and interests below.
(I didn’t know that one of his peculiar interests is a love for … oh well – I’ll let him tell you…)

“In 25 words or less: Life partner, father, IT boffin, engineer, chef, photographer, gadget reviewer, writer, whisky & wine lover. Survivor.

Kevin has been part of the DigitalReviews team since 2007, a man of many hats and experiences that defies all attempts by people to labels or pigeonhole him. Despite a few years hiatus due to personal issues, he has artfully managed to remain being a thorn in Martin’s side, just like a truant child who could not be cut loose.

He has no intentions to give up his day job (IT boffin), or his real job (partner to his soulmate and their blended family with a brood of four), the after hours part of his day job (continuous industry certification), and now he has installed a biological upgrade module at Somewhere in between life and work, there is always a time for a coffee, a chat or sharing experiences. Over two decades on, he is yet to find an on-going job in his chosen academic vocation…

It is not entirely unknown that Kevin occasionally harbours a taste for the finer things in life: there was his wine collection (now lost), the unhealthy obsession with good single malt whisky, love of beautiful … hah, you are thinking ‘women’ here, right? Yeah well that too, but Kevin has a love for unique natural timber pieces.”

See you all back in the new year!!

Martin and Kevin & Team @

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