Peter Bower
So, my name is Peter and I hate writing bios.
It depends on the day as to who I am. Most days, I’m a public servant. Previously, I have been a professional photographer and videographer, published writer, English academic, award winning poet, website manager, movie reviewer, (very lax) social media guy, semi-serious competitive gamer, and creature of the night. I often fall back into some of these roles from time to time… especially creature of the night.
I am a former content-creator for DigitalRev and DIYPhotography and the founder and former editor-in-chief of SWAMP, Music on the Spot, and now-abandoned VoTogs. Generally, when I have time, I’m a lover of live music, bad television, horror and superhero movies, and the odd sporting match. Go sports. I’m a drinker of whisky, good beers, fine wines and Bundy (or whatever else is put in front of me).
Soup is evil. Yes, I have an abnormal (though entirely logical) hatred of soup.
I graduated with my Master of Philosophy (English) degree in 2014, in which I applied sociological theories on the influence of place on the individual and the connection between place and portrayals of self to Australian pub fiction. Part of my Masters included writing a collection of short stories, Overflow, which one day I might revisit, extend and publish.
My interests for DRN are computers, cameras, audio, home automation… okay, generally anything. I love tech. I love playing with new gadgets and whatsits and thingymabobs and finding new ways to add them into my world. In the past, I used to do that on a tight budget (yay student life!), so I just never know what will be handy and how. I also love waxing lyrically about different things in the world.
My website is well out-of-date, but do pop over and say hello on Twitter: @OeterB.